An article to test coComment

Feel free to post comments to this article, it's here for this purpose!
Once you're on the detail page of the article, here are the few steps to add a comment:

  1. Enter your comment in the normal comment area on the blog page
  2. a) Using the Firefox extension? Nothing to do
    b) Using the bookmarklet? Click the coComment bookmarklet in your browser bar BEFORE submitting your comment
  3. Submit the comment on the blog as usual

If you prefer, you can only Track the conversation.
You're just curious to see how the discussion will evolve but nothing to say for the moment.

That was easy, right? See the result, go to your personal page

Warning for our Belgians friends, your personal page is on the test environment!

357 Responses to “An article to test coComment”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    This is my first comment with coComment, well not really 🙂

  2. nicolasD Says:

    And it’s simple, don’t you think?

  3. Helena Says:

    Yes, especially with the Firefox extension, seamless…

  4. cocotest Says:

    just a test

  5. cocotest Says:

    and another one here

  6. nicolasd Says:

    e la nave va

  7. nicolasd Says:

    with the extension

  8. Anonymous Says:

    and the booklet

  9. Anonymous Says:

    what is love?

  10. marc Says:

    Testing the bookmarklet

  11. pasNico Says:

    voila mon message

  12. toto Says:

    voila mon commentaire

  13. Laurent Says:

    je suis en train de tester

  14. nico Says:

    k jfksj kjk kj rlrjkw erjkw jl

  15. nico Says:

    User: a fasdfasfafaf

  16. nico Says:

    last test aaskdkjfkhka fkashf kjahf d

  17. nico Says:

    333 ajsd falsdkfj laskjfalksdj f

  18. nico Says:

    ajksljdfjask dfjaslsf jakjf alskdfjj

  19. nico Says:

    al sdfa sldfjlas kjflkasjfdka sf

  20. nico Says:

    ahdf jakshf jkashdf kajsdhf kadsfsdfafasdsdfafjash dfkjasdh fkjas dfks

  21. nico Says:

    asdff afasdfasdfadsdfasdfadf

  22. Anonymous Says:


  23. Spotlight_Kid Says:

    So you want to win the Lotto. Me too, and millions of other people out there. The problem is that nobody seems to choose the right numbers, except those who win the Jackpot. Chances are, the Jackpot winners had no idea that their numbers are going to come up. This is true in the all cases. Can we say that a particular Lotto Jackpot winner entered the Lotto with a set of lines on purpose for a particular draw, knowing that their numbers will come up? A dead-cert? Predictable? Nope, all that is not true. The chances of winning the lotto with a chosen set of (six) numbers is in the order of 4 million to 1. It’s not like Playing Blackjack, where you could memorise all cards played and base your ‘betting’ on that metod. What would be nice is to know the numbers that have come up since the Lotto began, without having to commit those numbers to memory, and then make a fairly honest guess, or prediction, as to the next six numbers that will be chosen in the next draw. This is also a bit of hard work with pencil and paper. It could be achieved if you had computer software to do it for you, not in predicting the numbers, but showing you all the numbers in all the draws and then making a suggestion or two on what numbers could come up. Most lotto players choose bithdays, ages, street addresses, licence numbers and other methods in choosing lotto numbers. All well and good, but it can take a long time before the numbers they have chosen that way come up. The problem is, what if those numbers have come up already? The chances of a series of six Jackpot winning numbers appearing for the second time (not nessaryly the same number draw sequence) is even greater than 4 million to 1; try to imagine 18.67 Million to 1 at best. That’s more like impossible. One rule to all this is a statistical one. If you know all the draw results since the beginning of the Lotto, and have knowledge of the most frequently played numbers (the ‘hot’ ones) you can make a fairly good choice of numbers for the next draw. All this information is available on the internet. The problem is putting it to good use. So this is where I try and sell you something. What would you say to a software application (programme) that manages the information the lotto sites provide, and allow you to enter any number of ‘lines’ of six numbers, knowing that a) your choice of numbers in a line sequence have never occured yet b) can give you suggestions if you want to know a sequence based on the hottest numbers (and have never been drawn before) c) give you a sequence of numbers at random (and have never been drawn before) d) record your select numbers so that they are also included in checking if they have been used before by you. and e) print out a lotto card you can use to fill in your numbers before you go to your lotto agent. And another thing, if you have the internet, you can download the latest lotto and lotto plus results which will be formated into the program. Interested? Now the price of this handy software R 114.00 INCL. That’s it. That’s all. And, as for testimonials, there are none, other than my own. Having developed the software, I obviously tried it out. My results over a 12 month period (although it took three years to develop and refine) are not staggering at all. I have never won a jackpot, but i have had 7 wins with 5 numbers and the bonus ball, 9 wins with 5 numbers, 13 wins with 4 numbers and the bonus ball, 21 wins with 4 numbers, 33 wins with 3 numbers and the bonus ball and finally 46 wins with 3 balls. My Lotto Plus wins are similar to the normal lotto. So to repeat, I have never won the Jackpot, but I got pretty damn close, and my totals wins to date exceed 1 Million rands. Question is, why am I offering my programme to the public? Simple, I want to make money too out of the sales of this software. Not because I am trying to offload a failed lotto method. I still use my program today, hunting for a jackpot win. It will happen one day. I am selling this program to the public because I am ahead of the game, ahead of those who don’t have this program. You can try out the software for 7 days, after which you can either ignore it as being irrellevent or you can buy it to continue using it. Your choice, concidering that there is no guarentee in winning the Lotto Jackpot, only that you might get close, and you have a way of managing the Lotto results. Oh, by the way, this software program has been tested on the UK Lottery with the same results as with the South African Lotto. Imagine the wins in UK Sterling. Just a note on the software : the program is licenced and carries a serial number for each copy that is sold. Installation is quite simple, in fact it’s self installing, and when the 7 days trial has expired, you can get a Key Code to continue using the software. The only thing that is guarenteed is that it is virus free. You can order the software from the various sources listed below using the Mail Order Form. (as the name suggests, the software will be posted to you using your SAE, just remember to make it big enough to hold a CD), or you can register online at the internet URL, download the software, install it and use it for 7 days, after which you will have to obtain a Key Code for you to continue using the software. Payment for the software is pretty easy: if you order by Mail Order, we will discount the VAT, and you can risk placing R 100.00 in an envelope and post it to the address below, or, once you have established yourself as a legitimet use of the software, you can transfer R 114.00 to the Bank account listed below in exchange for the software and the Key Code for your installation. Simple. There is no other sales blurb. This is the first time that a real honest software program has been offered to the public, that makes no guarentees at all, does not expound a “System” or gives you nothing for some money.

  24. a Says:


  25. Anonymous Says:


  26. anon Says:


  27. srah Says:


  28. ChorusLineA1QMS Says:


  29. Antoine Says:

    So you want to win the Lotto. Me too, and millions of other people out there. The problem is that nobody seems to choose the right numbers, except those who win the Jackpot. Chances are, the Jackpot winners had no idea that their numbers are going to come up. This is true in the all cases. Can we say that a particular Lotto Jackpot winner entered the Lotto with a set of lines on purpose for a particular draw, knowing that their numbers will come up? A dead-cert? Predictable? Nope, all that is not true. The chances of winning the lotto with a chosen set of (six) numbers is in the order of 4 million to 1. It’s not like Playing Blackjack, where you could memorise all cards played and base your ‘betting’ on that metod. What would be nice is to know the numbers that have come up since the Lotto began, without having to commit those numbers to memory, and then make a fairly honest guess, or prediction, as to the next six numbers that will be chosen in the next draw. This is also a bit of hard work with pencil and paper. It could be achieved if you had computer software to do it for you, not in predicting the numbers, but showing you all the numbers in all the draws and then making a suggestion or two on what numbers could come up. Most lotto players choose bithdays, ages, street addresses, licence numbers and other methods in choosing lotto numbers. All well and good, but it can take a long time before the numbers they have chosen that way come up. The problem is, what if those numbers have come up already? The chances of a series of six Jackpot winning numbers appearing for the second time (not nessaryly the same number draw sequence) is even greater than 4 million to 1; try to imagine 18.67 Million to 1 at best. That’s more like impossible. One rule to all this is a statistical one. If you know all the draw results since the beginning of the Lotto, and have knowledge of the most frequently played numbers (the ‘hot’ ones) you can make a fairly good choice of numbers for the next draw. All this information is available on the internet. The problem is putting it to good use. So this is where I try and sell you something. What would you say to a software application (programme) that manages the information the lotto sites provide, and allow you to enter any number of ‘lines’ of six numbers, knowing that a) your choice of numbers in a line sequence have never occured yet b) can give you suggestions if you want to know a sequence based on the hottest numbers (and have never been drawn before) c) give you a sequence of numbers at random (and have never been drawn before) d) record your select numbers so that they are also included in checking if they have been used before by you. and e) print out a lotto card you can use to fill in your numbers before you go to your lotto agent. And another thing, if you have the internet, you can download the latest lotto and lotto plus results which will be formated into the program. Interested? Now the price of this handy software R 114.00 INCL. That’s it. That’s all. And, as for testimonials, there are none, other than my own. Having developed the software, I obviously tried it out. My results over a 12 month period (although it took three years to develop and refine) are not staggering at all. I have never won a jackpot, but i have had 7 wins with 5 numbers and the bonus ball, 9 wins with 5 numbers, 13 wins with 4 numbers and the bonus ball, 21 wins with 4 numbers, 33 wins with 3 numbers and the bonus ball and finally 46 wins with 3 balls. My Lotto Plus wins are similar to the normal lotto. So to repeat, I have never won the Jackpot, but I got pretty damn close, and my totals wins to date exceed 1 Million rands. Question is, why am I offering my programme to the public? Simple, I want to make money too out of the sales of this software. Not because I am trying to offload a failed lotto method. I still use my program today, hunting for a jackpot win. It will happen one day. I am selling this program to the public because I am ahead of the game, ahead of those who don’t have this program. You can try out the software for 7 days, after which you can either ignore it as being irrellevent or you can buy it to continue using it. Your choice, concidering that there is no guarentee in winning the Lotto Jackpot, only that you might get close, and you have a way of managing the Lotto results. Oh, by the way, this software program has been tested on the UK Lottery with the same results as with the South African Lotto. Imagine the wins in UK Sterling. Just a note on the software : the program is licenced and carries a serial number for each copy that is sold. Installation is quite simple, in fact it’s self installing, and when the 7 days trial has expired, you can get a Key Code to continue using the software. The only thing that is guarenteed is that it is virus free. You can order the software from the various sources listed below using the Mail Order Form. (as the name suggests, the software will be posted to you using your SAE, just remember to make it big enough to hold a CD), or you can register online at the internet URL, download the software, install it and use it for 7 days, after which you will have to obtain a Key Code for you to continue using the software. Payment for the software is pretty easy: if you order by Mail Order, we will discount the VAT, and you can risk placing R 100.00 in an envelope and post it to the address below, or, once you have established yourself as a legitimet use of the software, you can transfer R 114.00 to the Bank account listed below in exchange for the software and the Key Code for your installation. Simple. There is no other sales blurb. This is the first time that a real honest software program has been offered to the public, that makes no guarentees at all, does not expound a “System” or gives you nothing for some money.
    … quelles conneries !

  30. Rob Says:

    Test comment

  31. Mark Seymour Says:

    Just the good ol’ boys, never meanin’ no harm. Beats all you’ve ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born. Straight’nin’ the curve, flat’nin’ the hills. Someday the mountain might get ’em, but the law never will. Makin’ their way, the only way they know how, that’s just a little bit more than the law will allow. Just good ol’ boys, wouldn’t change if they could, fightin’ the system like a true modern day Robin Hood.

  32. ds Says:

    a certain je ne sais quai?

  33. amba Says:

    Spammo dammo!

  34. Tom Guarriello Says:

    Well…let’s see.

  35. ketsugi Says:

    So much spam here! ;o

  36. Dave Alpert Says:


  37. jariko haja Says:


  38. Jérôme Says:

    A test….

  39. Gaettrp Says:

    Je teste le bookmarklet… en français ça marche aussi non ? 🙂

  40. Ralph Says:

    test for new extension

  41. Mike Says:

    Gotta love it!

  42. Danny Howard Says:

    Hello World

  43. Jon Smirl Says:

    Test me

  44. Martin Hall Says:

    Hey, let’s see what this baby can do —

  45. Vox Says:

    Ok, testing the firefox extension 🙂

  46. Jordan Says:

    Testing the FF extension

  47. MissM Says:

    Does the firefox extension work? This is the test. Success!

  48. mmt Says:


  49. test Says:


  50. Jay Gilmore Says:

    This is a test comment to see if coComment works.

    All the best,


  51. ttm Says:

    This is a test

  52. MAXIMUS Says:


  53. dude Says:


  54. Kyle Says:

    test 2!

  55. Adam Says:


  56. Neil Says:


  57. Leigh Says:

    Testing this nifty little doober 🙂

  58. Me Says:


  59. Mark Says:

    The only real discomfort comes from not experiencing your significance.

  60. Jay Gilmore Says:

    blah ta de blah

  61. julylion Says:


  62. Wolfer Says:


  63. smiledreamz Says:

    hey … I’m here n started commenting alone ..

  64. Chithu Says:

    hey … I’m here n started commenting alone .. alone ..

  65. T Says:

    Ok firefox, show me your stuff!

  66. Clip Says:


  67. Anonymous Says:


  68. Yo Says:


  69. Michael Says:

    Testing the firefox extension

  70. alienlebarge Says:

    I’m testing cocoment

  71. Bubaz Says:

    je fais donc un test

  72. nacho Says:

    haciendo el text
    Saludos cordiales

  73. hunter Says:

    I bent my Wookie!

  74. misterpatate Says:

    mon test de co comment

  75. asdf Says:


  76. Sas Gordon-Walker Says:

    very cool

  77. pool Says:

    test message

  78. kukula Says:

    testing 123

  79. hal Says:

    test more

  80. Eitan Says:


  81. kr8tr Says:


  82. Roman Hanhart Says:


  83. Tracy Fowler Says:

    test 2

  84. Graeme Says:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur faucibus ornare orci. Maecenas ultricies tincidunt metus.

  85. eliana Says:

    It’s a test.

  86. Anonymous Says:


  87. wujimon Says:

    testing without further tracking

  88. Bob Jones Says:


  89. Anonymous Says:

    What’s with the “Warning for our Belgians friends, your personal page is on the test environment!” ?

  90. dsfds Says:


  91. sdfsadf Says:


  92. Hideyo Imazu Says:

    this is a test. today it’s fine.

  93. ASDSD Says:


  94. Says:


  95. Eitan Says:


  96. CoCoTest Says:

    Test Comment

  97. ryumu Says:

    fuckin’ test comment

  98. Joseph H. Vilas Says:


  99. will Says:


  100. Baba Yamamoto Says:


  101. Lionel Says:

    Test with the extension.

  102. Lionel Says:

    Test 2

  103. dfasd Says:

    asdfasdfsdfasdfasdfasd asdfasda sdfasd fd fas

  104. bloatedbunny Says:

    testing 1 2 3

  105. sdjGDJ Says:


  106. meekon5 Says:

    testing 01, 10, 11.

  107. cutter Says:

    test test test

  108. Mauro Lupi Says:


  109. Will Says:

    foo is the new bar

  110. Mart Says:

    sdkfljslkdfj slkdfjsldfk

  111. meekon5 Says:

    testing again

  112. anu Says:


  113. myk Says:

    * SPOINK 2 *

  114. Marcus\SM Says:

    useful comment of the month yoyoyoy 😉

  115. bertoniloose Says:

    test cocommented

  116. Easton Ellsworth Says:

    testing 1-2-3 – the latest and greatest coCo version

  117. SeanR Says:


  118. CoCo Says:

    eeheeheeh my name is CoCo

  119. Arnie McKinnis Says:


  120. RajP Says:


  121. jebworks Says:

    this is supposed to be an easy test, but it takes forever to complete

  122. greg Says:

    testing 1,2,3

  123. Anonymous Says:

    Testing, testing, testing. Is anybody out there?

  124. komatsuna Says:

    here. It’s my entering test.

  125. Lucina Says:

    Testing CoComment…

  126. tng Says:


  127. miketrevis Says:

    CoComment implementa nuovi servizi e diventa il modo più facile di seguire le conversazioni nella blogosfera

  128. komatsuna Says:


  129. Carlos Santos Says:

    bla bla bla

  130. José Luis Ávila Herrera Says:

    Excelente idea

  131. chuikalun Says:


  132. liloo Says:


  133. Stormy Says:

    traight’nin’ the curve, flat’nin’ the hills. Someday the mountain might get ‘em, but the law never will. Makin’ their way, the only way they know how, that’s just a little bit more than the law will allow. Just good ol’ boys, wouldn’t change if they co

  134. sundar Says:


  135. foobah Says:


  136. suuuuuu Says:

    huree huree

  137. taro Says:

    just a test…

  138. Anonymous Says:


  139. J.swaminathan Says:

    goodthings to happen to everybody

  140. ptedder Says:

    Just giving this a try. . .

  141. цц Says:


  142. ktoś Says:

    teste ąćąłąśłćóąas

  143. aguilfoy Says:

    testing for co comment

  144. Alexander Says:


  145. Jeroen Sangers Says:

    Cocotest for Jeroen

  146. Eric Says:


  147. neon Says:

    mmm prova….

  148. chandan Says:

    hi this is my test msg.

  149. MyShrink Says:

    Hi, i find your blog really interesting.
    Are you interested in making a lot of money?

    Well, then you sure gotta work real hard.

  150. Dave Says:

    Just testing CoComment. Hope it works.

  151. Lilith Says:

    Böcker, böcker, böcker och ännu mera böcker

  152. fdgfdgfdg Says:


  153. ariel Says:

    it’s a test…we’ll see how it works…

  154. amyjami Says:


  155. griun Says:


  156. Alanok Says:


  157. Jan Prill Says:

    Ok, testing CoComment…

  158. Kami Huyse Says:

    testing 1 2 3

  159. Marja Says:

    test test

  160. Kuanyin Says:

    testing again for bookmarklet

  161. jkarteaga Says:

    berriro frogatzen

  162. griun Says:


  163. Andrew Pass Says:

    If this works it’s awesome.

  164. Rowland Says:

    test again

  165. Tom Says:

    This is a test, OK, just test cool-coComment

  166. DB Says:


  167. BlackTM Says:


  168. Hamishoh5 Says:

    test for cocoments

  169. Olle Says:


  170. chengbo Says:

    just a test!

  171. gilles Says:

    test pour voi si ca marche dans l’hemisphere sud

  172. Laura Says:


  173. yves Says:

    Vagy pláne ez.

  174. Andy Says:

    whats with the belgian comment?

  175. Beth Ritter-Guth Says:


  176. camusliebtcomments Says:

    the first time..

  177. rekabek Says:


  178. Kristopher Says:

    here we are

  179. Splinter Says:


  180. Vikram Says:


  181. pri Says:


  182. anonymous Says:

    Cake, I tell you

  183. cherry116 Says:


  184. MFL Says:


  185. pomidorchi Says:


  186. Jake Says:

    I am all about the comments.

  187. lizza Says:


  188. magnakai Says:


  189. fuser Says:


  190. tamilfuser Says:


  191. tamilfuser Says:


  192. meme-dini Says:


  193. ellenweber Says:

    just a test

  194. ellenweber Says:


  195. Joseph Thornley Says:

    testing one two three

  196. JV Says:

    Cocomment test 1, test 2, test 3.

  197. JV Says:

    Test verified.

  198. 12 Says:


  199. Alejandro Valero Says:


  200. Anonymous Says:


  201. Patrick Firestone Says:


  202. The Computer Teacher Says:


  203. Brendan Baldwin Says:

    Test Post — Hey this *is* pretty sweet 🙂 I’ve been recording my own comments in text files for years, but this is SOOO much handier! Good going!

  204. Carlos Says:


  205. Nancy Says:

    This is a test

  206. mikey Says:


  207. Shana Lyons Says:

    Test me!

  208. Will Norris Says:


  209. Steve Borsch Says:


  210. Scot Says:

    A post in development of Blogsplus Network.

  211. fuodj Says:


  212. Anonymous Says:

    foo test

  213. Anonymous Says:


  214. david Says:


  215. CAPitalZ Says:


  216. CAPitalZ Says:


  217. FedericoX Says:


  218. FedericoX Says:


  219. Bruno Amaral Says:

    take two!

  220. sadie Says:

    hey sydney! sorry i beat you up 😦

  221. Anonymous Says:


  222. britgirl Says:

    cocomment is not working on my blog

  223. britgirl Says:

    but it seems to be working on this one :((

  224. Johnny Says:


  225. jeff Says:


  226. shashikiran Says:

    Lemme try…..

  227. NCLRT Says:

    nice tool for keeping in touch with nice conversations

  228. thenalee Says:

    Trying the first comment

  229. jw Says:

  230. jw Says:


  231. acrv Says:

    very useful

  232. Tshaka Says:


  233. egoodnow Says:

    Just a test.

  234. keljmart Says:


  235. Clwither Says:


  236. sspotts Says:


  237. Timmy Says:

    This is just a rtest of cocomment

  238. mhuddles Says:


  239. yyoung Says:

    will this be graded?

  240. kaylee Says:


  241. ami Says:


  242. dpingram Says:

    here is my blog test!!

  243. rshelton Says:


  244. CHRIS Says:


  245. andy Says:

    i have a third nipple…ok not really!

  246. CCHRISTI Says:


  247. Alberto A-P Says:


  248. cdunn Says:


  249. WolfBlog Says:


  250. fsadf Says:


  251. redaction Says:

    Succes d’installation!

  252. ambrosia Says:

    this is the comment, who het heeft geflickered.

  253. simon wakeman Says:

    this is my first test comment on cocomment

  254. joline Says:


  255. joline Says:

    g’morning again ???!!

  256. Mercurio Says:


  257. Mikael Says:


  258. Mª José Reina Says:


  259. DutchStoner Says:


  260. moamen Says:


  261. moamen Says:

    One more test

  262. Anonymous Says:

    test 🙂

  263. Anonymous Says:


  264. Anonymous Says:

    is this working?

  265. Anonymous Says:


  266. Anonymous Says:


  267. Anonymous Says:


  268. katty Says:

    be my friend

  269. Sea Jackal Says:


  270. sheep dog Says:

    on va voir si ca marche!!!

  271. sheep dog Says:

    une deuxieme fois!

  272. Don Radlauer Says:

    ‘Twas brillig, and the slithey toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe…

  273. Anonymous Says:

  274. nobita Says:

    just a test

  275. Amy Stephen Says:

    yes – that is way cool!

  276. khosrobaigy Says:

    this is my test for cocomment after installing related firefox extension

  277. Tim Says:


  278. Mar Says:

    just a test

  279. Testing is good ! Says:


  280. Gni Says:


  281. brianglass Says:


  282. brianglass Says:


  283. WengWah, LEE Says:

    Testing,….1,2,3…… cool

  284. Alex Tang Says:


  285. Coyote Says:

    just testing a little bit of fun things

  286. Pascal Says:

    How usable is it?

    I’m just trying with Safari.

  287. aMIT Says:


  288. Subrahmanya Says:


  289. Scott Vandehey Says:


  290. OS9USER Says:

    Leave your web address in the box, so I can see which sites use this feature uh?? I am at http://WWW.OS9USER.BLOGSPOT.COM

  291. zahorin Says:


  292. Plasmo NYC Says:


  293. PlasmoNYC Says:


  294. Bhasker V Kode Says:


  295. Action Jackson Says:

    This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.

  296. YetAnotherTester Says:

    YetAnotherTester content

  297. YetAnotherTester Says:


  298. YetAnotherTester Says:


  299. YetAnotherTester Says:


  300. h Says:


  301. datter Says:


  302. رائد السعيد Says:


  303. رائد السعيد Says:


  304. aaa Says:


  305. pankypie Says:


  306. Cesar Viteri Says:

    me se lee?

  307. Shawn Callahan Says:

    Very easy

  308. sdekjnrf Says:


  309. IJG Says:

    Ian’s Test Comment

  310. TestMonkey Says:

    me happy

  311. totof Says:


  312. TestMonkey Says:

    lov’ it

  313. ryo Says:


  314. Michael Bernstein Says:

    A test comment, on the CoComment WordPress test blog.

  315. partisan Says:


  316. swissreplica6 Says:

    very good post from our team

  317. Sebastian Says:

    Test af “style” gn greasemonky

  318. Mexxly Says:


  319. Tomomi Says:


  320. free letter marketing mortgage Says:

    free letter marketing mortgage

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    This is my first test of coComment.

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  332. Punkachu Says:

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  334. Punkachu Says:

    Test test test

  335. Punkachu Says:

    That’s awesome

  336. Olivier D. alias ze kat Says:

    Vais je pouvoir réactiver le support de coComments sur les LiFE-Line ?

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    just testing

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  340. たしろ Says:


  341. Matt Says:

    Hey Let’s see if this thing is working?

  342. test Says:


  343. lie Says:


  344. Mitchell Allen Says:

    The coComment concept is almost exactly what I was looking for when I worte an article on my blog about following converstions on the web.

    Once I learn more about the system, perhaps I’ll discover that it has a way to find the “best” comments.

    Of course, that is subjective and, presumably, we would simply “favorite” such comments.
    If anybody actually reads this, can you tell me if we’ll be able to follow other people’s comments, without having left a comment of our own?

    I don’t hink anyone will ever see this. I had to go all the way back to the first post on the coComment test blog, because WildBlue is FAPping me.
    Firefox won’t load 1,000 plus comments 😦

    Actually, isn’t this the point of coComment? Unhiding conversations?
    This turns out to be a double test!



  345. deno Says:

    Testing co-comment ;D

  346. deno Says:

    Oh, I were supposed to click on this button.. aha, I get it now 😉

  347. lec Says:


    Yes, you can track any conversation by just clicking “track” on the tool bar that is displayed bellow the commenting text area. No need to comment to track a conversation and do not miss any new comment.
    You can also follow other coComment users: just favorite a user. You can then track what he says by going to your favorite page, or by registering to your favorite RSS feed. You can also register to the RSS feed of any coComment user.


  348. Daketheddaf Says:

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  349. Jonas Says:

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